Houthi terrorist group had turned Yemen into the largest minefield in the world

Aden- The US embasy to Yemen considered that the Houthi terrorist group had turned Yemen into the largest minefield in the world by planting about two million mines, noting that removing all the mines would take 8 years.
The US Embassy added, in a statement on the occasion of World Mine Awareness Day, that it would take 8 years to completely remove the mines planted by the Houthi group on Yemeni territory.
The statement stressed the need for the Houthis to stop using national lands as a weapon of war, and to begin working for a peaceful future for all Yemenis.
The statement expressed the United States' appreciation and support for the efforts made to remove mines in Yemen, pointing out that "every step towards removing mines is a step towards peace."
The mines planted by the Houthis caused thousands of civilian deaths and injuries, especially among children and women.
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