Yemen’s ancient ‘Manhattan of the Desert’ risks collapse
Dubbed the “Manhattan of the desert” for its centuries-old skyscrapers, Yemen’s ancient city of Shibam escaped damage in the civil war — but faces…
DetailsDubbed the “Manhattan of the desert” for its centuries-old skyscrapers, Yemen’s ancient city of Shibam escaped damage in the civil war — but faces…
DetailsYemen's Seiyun Palace, one of the world's largest mud-brick structures, has become the war-torn country's latest heritage site facing the risk of c…
DetailsYemen’s Minister of Culture, Marwan Dammaj, stressed the importance of taking necessary measures to prevent attacks on ancient archaeological sites…
DetailsHeavy rains have triggered the collapse of parts of the newly restored National Museum in Yemen’s third city Taiz, in the latest loss to the countr…
DetailsYou will often hear about Yemen on television, but for all the wrong reasons. The country has been constantly in the news since it plunge…
DetailsYemen is trying to save its cultural heritage by appealing to UNESCO and the international community, after many of its historic cities have starte…
DetailsThe General Organisation for the Preservation of Historic Cities of Yemen (GOPHCY) on Monday appealed to the United Nations Educational, Scientific…
DetailsOfficials called for urgent action after the historic mud-skyscraper city of Shibam in southern Yemen was damaged by torrential rains last week.…
DetailsAuthorities in southeastern Yemen have called for international help to save the historic mud-skyscraper city of Shibam from collapse after heavy r…
Details Troops of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Saturday tightened their grip on the strategic Yemeni island of Socotra after expelling…
DetailsYemen’s government has asked Washington to prevent the sale of Yemeni antiquities and artifacts in America, Saba News Agencyreported yesterday. Min…
Detailsby : Bethan McKernan in Shibam, Yemen On the edge of the vast Empty Quarter desert that dominates the Arabian peninsula, white and brown…
DetailsThree years after their first album, the Haim girls of A-Wa are back. The Barby club in Tel Aviv was packed – sold out, actually. …
DetailsWhile the UN envoy to Yemen, along with members of the international community, were in Stockholm celebrating the signing of the peace agreement be…
DetailsThe war in Yemen has left a devastating toll not only its population but also on its cultural history, resulting in the destruction of irreplaceabl…
Details In a story Feb. 6 about Western arms supplied to the Yemen war, The Associated Press incorrectly cited Amnesty International researcher Patri…
DetailsIn Yemen, one of the world’s most water-scarce countries, the ongoing war continues to exasperate the dire humanitarian situation particularly for…
DetailsTwo hundred miles off the coast of Yemen is Socotra, a remote island known as the jewel of the Arabia, where a species of otherworldly tree known a…
DetailsThe Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (IESCO) condemned Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen for stealing manuscripts, historical a…
DetailsWhat makes the village stand out is that it is a largely deserted Jewish settlement in the heart of Yemen. The village was founded by the Bawsites…