• Category: Economy
Newborn babies struggle to survive in war-torn Yemen

Newborn babies struggle to survive in war-torn Yemen

On the rooftop of the MSF house in the city of Al-Qanawis, in the Hodeidah governorate of northwestern Yemen, I look at the stars. We all look up a…

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 21 October 2021

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 21 October 2021

Yemen The Houthis took control of Al Abdiyah district in the south of Marib governorate on 17 October, following three weeks of intense f…

Security Council Press Statement on Yemen

Security Council Press Statement on Yemen

The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Martin Kimani (Kenya): The members of the Security C…

WHO: Over 20m Yemenis are at risk of malaria

WHO: Over 20m Yemenis are at risk of malaria

More than 20 million Yemenis are at risk of contracting malaria, at a time when only half of the country's health facilities are operating, the Wor…

UNFPA Response in Yemen Situation Report Issue

UNFPA Response in Yemen Situation Report Issue

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen continues to deepen. More than 20 million people – about two-thirds of the population – need humanitarian assistan…

Shameful milestone’ in Yemen as 10,000 children killed or maimed since fighting began

Shameful milestone’ in Yemen as 10,000 children killed or maimed since fighting began

“The Yemen conflict has just hit another shameful milestone: 10,000 children have been killed or maimed since fighting started in March 2015. That’…

KSrelief rolling out Yemen water, sanitation program

KSrelief rolling out Yemen water, sanitation program

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center is carrying out a water and environmental sanitation project in Yemen’s Hodeidah governorate in…

Yemen | FAO and Kuwait collaborate to enhance the resilience of vulnerable farmers through improving their access to water resources

Yemen | FAO and Kuwait collaborate to enhance the resilience of vulnerable farmers through improving their access to water resources

Zahr Haidar is a farmer and a mother of six children from Khanfar District in Abyan Governorate. The impacts of the ongoing conflict such as damage…

UN urges ceasefire in Yemen's Marib for 'safe passage'

UN urges ceasefire in Yemen's Marib for 'safe passage'

Marib, Shabwa and Al-Bayda provinces have all seen an escalation in fighting in recent weeks, resulting in "a devastating impact on civilians", acc…

Yemen: Monthly Situation Report (September 2021)

Yemen: Monthly Situation Report (September 2021)

SEPTEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Nutrition Supporting a total of 277,663 children U2 and PLW with nutriti…

United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, David Gressly Remarks to media in Geneva – 11 October 2021

United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, David Gressly Remarks to media in Geneva – 11 October 2021

Near verbatim transcript What I would like to speak to you about today is the current situation in Yemen and how we are trying t…

UNHCR Yemen Post Cash Distribution Monitoring - PDM Update - July 2021

UNHCR Yemen Post Cash Distribution Monitoring - PDM Update - July 2021

How UNHCR cash assistance supports displaced Yemenis at risk of famine Background As part of UNHCR’s intervent…

Saudi Arabia condemns attack on Aden governor in Yemen

Saudi Arabia condemns attack on Aden governor in Yemen

Saudi Arabia on Sunday “strongly condemned” an attack on a convoy carrying two Yemeni government officials on Sunday. A car bomb exploded…

Yemen receives third batch of COVID-19 vaccines

Yemen receives third batch of COVID-19 vaccines

(Reuters) - Yemen on Thursday received its third batch of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX global vaccine-sharing scheme, the health ministry sa…

Millions in Yemen ‘a step away from starvation’, UN Says

Millions in Yemen ‘a step away from starvation’, UN Says

The crisis in Yemen, now in its seventh year of war, continues unabated, with thousands of people displaced and millions “a step away from starvati…

Oxfam Reaction to Yemen High-Level Side Event at UNGA today

Oxfam Reaction to Yemen High-Level Side Event at UNGA today

In response to today’s Virtual High-Level Side Event on Yemen organized by The European Union, Sweden and Switzerland, Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Co…

‏Islamic militia executes a soldier in a police station in Yemen

‏Islamic militia executes a soldier in a police station in Yemen

The Popular Crowd Militia  controlled by Muslims Brotherhood in the city of Taiz south of the Yemeni capital Sanaa executed a soldier in a pol…

Yemen Humanitarian Fund: Stories from the field 2021

Yemen Humanitarian Fund: Stories from the field 2021

“In my community, fishing was often practiced as a source of supplementary food need, not as a business. But with the difficult economic conditions…

Secretary-General Strongly Condemns Executions in Yemen, Questioning Houthi Movement’s Adherence to Due Process Standards under International Law

Secretary-General Strongly Condemns Executions in Yemen, Questioning Houthi Movement’s Adherence to Due Process Standards under International Law

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General António Guterres: The Secretary-General deeply regr…

Murder of Yemeni-American in Lahj sparks outrage

Murder of Yemeni-American in Lahj sparks outrage

The death of a Yemeni-American man in the war-torn country’s province of Lahj has prompted outrage from senior politicians and ordinary citizens.…
