Landmines imperil camel herders in Yemen
A landmine warning sign in Yemen's Marib province reminds camel herders that their next step could be their last. After being displaced or…
DetailsA landmine warning sign in Yemen's Marib province reminds camel herders that their next step could be their last. After being displaced or…
DetailsDuring the holy month of Ramadan, coffee sales in Yemen experience a significant surge as the beverage holds a special place in the hearts and trad…
DetailsA coffee festival, named "Coffee Revolution," was held in Sanaa on Thursday to promote Yemeni coffee amid the ceasefire between the internationally…
DetailsResearchers from Khalifa University in the UAE and international collaborators have shed light on the complex genetic history of Yemenis. Their stu…
DetailsParis- A new Yemeni restaurant was opened on Champs-Él…
DetailsFor nearly a decade, Yemen has been marred by war, instability, and a deepening humanitarian crisis. Amid these challenges, a group of 30 Yemeni mu…
DetailsPrepared by: Rajaa Mukred Yemeni honey is one of the most expensive types of honey in the world. It is globally distinguished by its high q…
DetailsLightning strikes killed four people and injured four others in separate accidents in Yemen's northern provinces, local health authorities said.…
DetailsThe Arabian Peninsula's most impoverished country, locked in an eight-year conflict between Iran-backed Huthi rebels and forces supporting the inte…
DetailsA powerful storm hit Aden International Airport in southern Yemen in the early hours on Monday, injuring a number of passengers and causing chaos i…
DetailsAt least 13 people died in road accidents in two Yemeni provinces this week, the latest in a series of crashes that have claimed the lives of dozen…
DetailsYemen plans to start building a port in the Qishn area of the eastern Mahra region at a cost of $130 million in two months, Deputy Transport Minist…
DetailsThe first batch of the Saudi oil derivatives grant, worth $200 million, arrived in Aden on Wednesday. The grant comes as an extension of Saudi Arab…
DetailsThe Iran-backed Houthi militia is trying to mislead Yemenis about payments of public servant retirees’ salaries, despite their decision to suspend…
DetailsYemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik announced, on Wednesday, that his country's economy will grow by 2 percent during 2022. This came…
DetailsThe Yemeni government has signed, with the American side, an agreement that includes postponing debt interests for financial loans incurred by Yeme…
DetailsResidents in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, said a stifling fuel crisis began on Saturday, for the first time since a United Nations-sponsored truce to…
DetailsYemen has been known as the Land of the Two Gardens, famous for the cultivation of various kinds of grapes for raisins.  But Yemeni…
DetailsTwo more ships carrying diesel were allowed to enter Yemen’s blockaded Red Sea port of Hodeidah as part of the ongoing truce between the country’s…
DetailsDonors on Wednesday pledged $33 million towards a UN-coordinated plan to prevent an ageing oil tanker moored off the west Coast of Yemen from spark…