A Country Falling Apart: Human Rights Situation in Yemen 2021
  Parties to the conflict in Yemen have continued to commit serious violations, undermining Yemenis ability to live, in blatant disr…
Details  Parties to the conflict in Yemen have continued to commit serious violations, undermining Yemenis ability to live, in blatant disr…
DetailsYemen has received a batch of diesel from Saudi Arabia at the port of Nashtoon in the al-Mahra governorate, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) r…
DetailsAtrocity Alert is a weekly publication by the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect highlighting situations where populations are at…
DetailsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ENDLINE SURVEY REPORT MAY 2022 INTRODUCTION From September 2021 to April 2022, Save the Chil…
DetailsMasam”, a humanitarian landmine clearance project in Yemen, has dismantled 1,119 mines planted by the Houthi militia across the country during the…
DetailsSana’a 8 November 2022 Mwatana for Human Rights said today that the parties to the armed conflict in Yemen did not fully commit to implem…
DetailsIntroduction Financing for development remains one of the major issues all countries are grappling with, particularly th…
DetailsWarring factions in Yemen are being urged to extend a UN-mediated truce following reports of deaths and injuries of civilians from sniper attacks a…
DetailsKEY HIGHLIGHTS The conflict remains the leading cause of displacement in Yemen. Although a significant decrease in confl…
DetailsLocal sources in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, confirmed that the Ministry of Communications in the government of the terrorist Houthi militia, which…
Details The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) concluded its voluntary medical campaign offering plastic surgery for burn vict…
DetailsThe following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Michel Xavier Biang (Gabon): The members of the Secu…
DetailsYemen's government forces on Monday burned 1,558 kg of hashish seized from smugglers in the past seven months in the northwestern province of Hajja…
Details“I had to walk on foot with my little children for almost five kilometres under the hot blazing sun and above the burning sand until we reached a p…
DetailsIn Numbers 19 million people food insecure 161,000 people in famine-like conditions 3.5 mi…
DetailsHIGHLIGHTS: Rainfall decline is expected to continue except across northern Taizz and western Ibb where forecasts favour he…
DetailsHighlights The local currency exchange rate in IRG-controlled areas fluctuated around similar levels of the previous mon…
DetailsHIGHLIGHTS: JULY - SEPTEMBER The humanitarian situation remains alarming in Yemen with a staggering 23.4 million people — almost three qu…
DetailsThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Yemen today joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries (MAIF…