Yemen coalition investigators reveal outcome of probes into 4 alleged attacks

The Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen’s Joint Incidents Assessment Team has published its report following a field visit to Yemen in January, during which it investigated allegations about attacks allegedly involving its forces.
The report details four incidents, including an airstrike that hit two commercial poultry farms in Khamir, an attack on a house and a vehicle in Al-Hayah area, an attack on a sit near the UN Common Accommodation Facility in Sanaa, and an airstrike near Sanaa International Airport.
Mansour Ahmed Al-Mansour, legal counsel for JIAT, said that strikes on two poultry farms in Khamir, Amran Governorate, on June 14, 2021, in which one of the farms was destroyed, were mentioned in the annual report of the UN high commissioner for human rights, which stated that the missiles most likely were fired coalition forces.
After its investigation into military activity in the area on that day, “JIAT found that the coalition forces did not carry out any air missions in Amran Governorate, and that the closest military target the coalition forces dealt with is located in Marib governorate, 86 kilometers away from Khamir directorate,” Al-Mansour said.
The attack on the house and the vehicle in Al-Hayah, a village in Mastaba, Hajjah Governorate, happened on Nov. 26, 2018. After checking records of air missions on that day, JIAT concluded that coalition Forces did not carry out any operations in the governorate.
Regarding the allegation that coalition forces targeted a site near the UN Common Accommodation Facility in Sanaa on March 26, 2022, JIAT said the coordinates were for a residential complex and a separate building opposite it, located in the southwest of the city, and that coalition forces had received intelligence indicating that the site included hangars being used as workshops and warehouses for drones.
In response to the allegation of an airstrike in the area around the airport in Sanaa on June 21, 2021, JIAT said coalition forces did not carry out any operations in the vicinity of the airport and had not ordered the closure of Yemeni airspace, as was claimed.
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