Bahrain soldier dies after Yemen attack: Army

A Bahraini soldier has died days after an attack by Yemen’s Houthis on the Saudi Arabian border, the military said, the Gulf state’s fifth loss in just over a month.
The serviceman died of his wounds after the attack on Monday, said the Bahrain Defense Force.
“Major Mohammed Salem Mohammed Anber passed away affected by his serious injuries as a result of the act of aggression conducted by the Houthi forces,” it said in statement issued late on Thursday, without giving details of the attack.
Four Bahraini soldiers died after a drone strike near the Saudi-Yemen border late last month, Bahrain’s biggest loss since five soldiers were killed in 2015.
The deaths come as Saudi Arabia pushes for a peace process for the Arabian peninsula’s poorest country, which is suffering a major humanitarian crisis because of the war.
Hostilities have fallen dramatically since a UN-brokered ceasefire came into effect last year, even after it lapsed in October.
Bahrain was one of several countries that contributed troops to the coalition after the Houthis ousted the internationally recognized government from the capital Sanaa in 2014.
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