UAE Provides 3,000 Work Opportunities For Fishermen In Yemen’s Red Sea Coast

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, launched a fish landing centre in Al Kadha, Dhubab District, on Yemen’s Red Sea Coast, after it was reconstructed, rehabilitated and equipped.
The centre is the fifth to be opened within two weeks, out of 18 centres on the Red Sea Coast, to support the local fishing sector, which will provide 3,000 work opportunities for Yemeni fishermen.
Jamal Mohammed Ali Qassim, Director of the Fishermen Establishment in Al Kadha, said that this vital project will benefit 12,000 people in Al Kadha, Al Jafer, Al Bahiyah, Al Nafitah and Al Ghanjah.
He added that over 300 fishing boats return to the dock every day carrying tens of tonnes of fish, due to the UAE’s support for fishermen and their families, as well as for other people on the coast.
The ERC representative stated that the project is one of the ERC’s many services and development projects and added that rehabilitating the dock in Al Kadha will benefit over 3,000 Yemeni fishermen and improve their living conditions, as well as those of their families and other residents of Al Kadha and neighbouring areas.
Local fishermen expressed their happiness at the launch of the project, which will increase their income, enhance fishing production, and facilitating the marketing and exporting process while valuing the ERC’s ongoing efforts to develop local services sectors on the Red Sea Coast.
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