UAE facilitates return of 100 Yemeni nationals to their home country
As part of its ongoing humanitarian efforts, the UAE today facilitated the return of 100 Yemeni citizens to Yemen. This initiative came i…
DetailsAs part of its ongoing humanitarian efforts, the UAE today facilitated the return of 100 Yemeni citizens to Yemen. This initiative came i…
DetailsChaos in war-torn Yemen is obscuring the "horrific" extent of the coronavirus epidemic in the country, leaving scientists to make educated guesses…
DetailsAt a cemetery in Yemen's largest southern city, dozens of fresh graves were a testament to a spike in deaths amid the coronavirus pandemic.…
DetailsSana'a Ahmed Nagi has spent the past three years living in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou and never left the city during the outbreak of CO…
DetailsKing Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) distributed yesterday 404 Ramadan food baskets to displaced people from Al-Khaniq and Nih…
DetailsResidents of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and other regions under control of the Iran-backed Houthi militias agree that the country is not really pre…
DetailsWhile many of the world's markets have closed to curb the spread of coronavirus, in Yemen's capital Sanaa, downtown districts selling qat - the ubi…
DetailsThe Saudi-backed Yemeni government on Wednesday declared the country's southern port city of Aden an area of disaster following heavy rains and fla…
DetailsAt least seven people have been killed and 85 injured in flash flooding in Yemen this month, the UN said Tuesday, as the coronavirus threat also lo…
DetailsLocal humanitarian organizations on Saturday continued to launch awareness campaigns in various war-ravaged Yemeni areas about preventive measures…
DetailsThe clean up began in Yemen's rebel-held capital of Sanaa on Tuesday after floodwaters swept through parts of the city, overturning cars and damagi…
DetailsEver since their coup against the legitimate Yemeni government, the Iran-backed Houthi militias have never ceased their efforts to alter the countr…
DetailsMohammed Al Mashrah and Rana Al Kamal spent more than two months preparing a grand celebration for their wedding, only to give it up because of the…
DetailsSevere flooding caused by heavy rains in Yemen’s Aden killed two with predictions of continued rainfall on Thursday as the city begins testing for…
DetailsHand-washing to combat the spread of coronavirus is the order of the day, but it's an unaffordable luxury for millions in war-ravaged Yemen where c…
DetailsThe government of the Houthi coup in Yemen has adopted twenty precautionary measures that it claims are meant to fight COVID-19 such as the closure…
DetailsYemen’s government has asked governors to join hands with local NGOs, charities and medical colleges and institutes to spread awareness about coron…
DetailsThe World Health Organisation on Thursday said it was working alongside authorities in Yemen to stop the spread of Covid-19 to the country.…
DetailsMore than a decade after it closed, 20 Yemeni women have revived the war-torn country's oldest factory to make face masks in anticipation of an out…
Detailshe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is opening the first health center in Yemen's largest displacement camp. The organization said in…